“From Nursery to Year 6, pupils blossom at Rodbourne Cheney Primary School”
Following our first inspection since 2010, taking place in July, Rodbourne Cheney Primary School has been rated Outstanding by Ofsted in all areas.
Since inspection guidelines changed in the past decade, far fewer schools have achieved Outstanding status, making this an even more exceptional and amazing achievement.
In their report inspectors praised the school for:
Strong leadership — “There is a relentless drive to ensure all pupils receive an outstanding education”
An outstanding and broad curriculum — “Pupils talk articulately about their favourite books and stories. Older pupils enjoy a broad range of classic and modern authors.”
“In computing, pupils talk confidently about how to use code to create algorithms, the process of decomposition and the significance of variables. The curriculum supports all pupils, including those with SEND, to produce work of a high quality and develop a depth of understanding.”
Excellent pupil behaviour — “Pupils are polite and considerate. They allow each other to talk and share their ideas, listen attentively and respond appropriately.”
You can read the full report on our Ofsted page.
This result is a testament to the incredible work of our staff, who go the extra mile every day to provide the best possible education for every pupil. The inspection also speaks to the wonderful community of parents and carers who contribute so much to our school community, and last but not least, all our amazing pupils!
We’ve gotten off to a great start the school year, and this report is something wonderful to celebrate as we continue to push to provide the best education possible for our children.